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Saturday, November 6, 2010



At least it is for Corky (aka Linda Thorpe) a local photographer/artist who has used her thumbprint to sign her landscapes, scenic photographs and paintings.

Linda has been using her thumb-print to sign photographs for years, along with her nickname of "Corky". This nickname was given to her by her older brother Winston, when she was just days old. A new baby, of course, bobs its little head up and down. Struggling to hold her head up, her brother thought she resembled a cork in the water- thus "Corky" was official.

Several years have passed and many inspired photos and paintings have made their way across Linda's desk. One day when Linda was signing some photo prints from a trip overseas, she started to blot some ink off of her thumb. She latched onto a pen and started to draw. First the face, the arms and legs to the little oval shape. Corky Thumbprints "Care-toons" were born!

Corky isn't a "typical cartoon" -- He isn't a slap your knee, fall out of your chair funny but he is seriously driven to lift your spirit and touch your life with God's love and caring.

To reinforce that God's word still applies to our lives. They are missionaries that go across the street, to the workplace and to far off places.

The Thumbprints have a motto:

We can't talk, but have much to say.
We can't walk, but we have come a long way.
We can't feel, but we can touch!

Characters come from the name and likeness of someone close to Linda. "Corky" is the main character, in the likeness of her husband Bob.

SOON TO BE RELEASED other popular characters include "T", Samuel, "Sister", Jay, Gladys, Austin, Lindy, Nate, Nick and a whole bunch more. Linda says that she gets surprised sometimes at who pops up.......even celebrities show up occasionally.

One of the new kids on the block is "Aunt Ruddie". She is a hoot! She is bold and right down to earth. Keep a eye out for her... she tells it like it is! (she is fashioned after Linda's very own Aunt Maxine....a very dear and special lady in Linda's life)

The Thumbprints have a vision- to be where they can help minister to God's people and those who don't know Him, yet.

Remember this: you are as unique as a "Thumbprint" in God's eyes. You are one of a kind, created by the be His tool....His missionary. He has a plan for your life. He is the answer for every question. He is the best friend you will ever have. He is the greatest counselor you will ever consult. He is Lord!

A native of the Midwest (Missouri), Corky (aka Linda) is a Christian grandma to 10 lovely grandchildren and wife to the best grandpa ever, Bob! Linda loves to travel, paint, draw, and be with old friends and meet new ones! Corky's heart's desire is to share God's world, highlighted with His your world!

(copywrited art)

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